This library is powered by JQUERY and it helps you setup dropdowns quickly and simply.

Get started

Add the script

add the script to your html page after jquery and before your custom script.

  <!-- jquery cdn ... -->
  <script src="/js/ia-dropdown.min.js"></script>
  <!-- custom script ...  -->

Define the dropdown markup

This is the recommended html structure for the dropdown. Please don't forget adding those attributes like in the example, otherwise te script will not be able to work.

  <!-- wrapper  -->
  <div data-dropdown-wrapper>
  <!-- trigger  -->
    <button data-dropdown-trigger>Options</button>
  <!-- menu  -->
    <div data-dropdown-menu>
      <a href="#">Link #1</a>
      <a href="#">Link #2</a>
      <a href="#">Link #3</a>
      <a href="#">Link #4</a>

Call the dropdown constructor

Run the script by creating instances for each dropdown on your page.

  const dropdowns = $("[data-dropdown-wrapper]").each(function (index, wrapper) {
      const dropdown = new Dropdown({ wrapper, transformOrigin: false }).init();


the Dropdown object constructor expects an object that has the following keys:

    // required
    wrapper : "DOM element. The container that containes the trigger its menu"
    // optional
    transformOrigin : "the css value of transform-origin, by default it's set to 'top', pass false to disable"
    transition : "the css value of transition, by default it's set to 'all .15s ease-in-out', pass false to disable",
    visibleCss = "by default it's { transform: "scale(1)", opacity: 1 }",
    hiddenCss = "by default it's { transform: "scale(0)", opacity: 0 }",
    onClose : "callback after close"
    onOpen : "callback after open"